Not long after our move to Flagstaff, Betsy connected with running coach Matt Fitzgerald who agreed to take her on as an athlete. Betsy first discovered Matt by doing a Google search of local coaches and finding "Dream Run Camp". Dream run Camp was inspired by Matt's book Running the Dream, which is based on his experience as a "fake professional runner" with Flagstaff, AZ based HOKA Northern Arizona Elite team. Dream Run Camp welcomes runners of all abilities to stay and train at the high altitude "runner's paradise" of Flagstaff AZ. Betsy was intrigued by the camp and reached out to Matt to see if there was a way she could have the experience of the camp but not actually have to stay there, as it was in our neighborhood. It just so happened that Dream Run Camp was having a get-together that Friday so the whole family was invited over for Pizza, allowing Betsy to have time to discuss her goals with Matt.
Fast forward past dozens of strength training workouts with Matt and Dream Run Camp runners, as well as attendance at Live from Dream Run Camp (weekly interview sessions with athletes, coaches and others involved in running or ancillary support) and Matt came to the realization that Betsy was becoming a valuable part of the Dream Run Camp experience. He offered her a position as a local ambassador for the camp, an opportunity that she is very excited about. As an ambassador, she continues to participate in the strength training and Live from Dream Run Camp sessions and she also goes on runs with Dream Run Camp attendees. Betsy enjoys the opportunity to meet people and listen to their stories of what brought them to DRC. In her words "each individual has their unique reasons. What I like best is how people open up with me and share a true part of themselves, I am able to see their courage and strengths, I love that. I also learn about different parts of the US as well as different careers and life paths. We also have lots of laughs"
Betsy's long run over the past week was 4.5 hours
Until next time...